While still in town friends, I seek a little time to update article for my friends all the faithful visit every day. in the earlier article, entitled "Always Liked That Indulgent Blog Google", this time we will discuss how to promote our blog to be popular around the world of blogging. Ok, I'll give a little explanation of how to promote our blog.
4 Ways Campaign Blog so popular :
1. Submit To Blog Directories
Register your blog to various blog directories. At least, list the three biggest and most popular blog directory, http://technorati.com, http://feeburner.com, and http://digg.com. Follow all directions on the third blog directory when registering.
This is a blog directory which will automatically send the blog article and post your blog to various search engines, including the three biggest search engine is http://google.com, http://msn.com (MSN & Yahoo).
2. Trade Links Or Link Exchange
Invite fellow blogs to exchange links (especially the relevant). Blog Links URL pairs of friends on our blog and vice versa must be installed in our Blog blogs that we invite to exchange links to find backlinks to fruition in our blog. In the world of blogs, this is also called a blogroll. And here's blogroll who became one of the causes of the rapid popularity of our blog in the world, who can beat his own website using the Domain.
To find out who that link to our blog, we just use the following ways through google.com.
Example: link: Name your Blog

Replace the white paper with a "Name Your Blog"
3. Been To Other Blogs
To add a friend you may want to Link Exchange, a time was a bit of time to visit other blogs and comments in the guest book blogs that we visit or provide comments on articles we read blogs that are putting the url link of our blog, the blog owner to provide a backlink to the by visiting our blog behind. It did not take long, will be visiting the blog owner to provide feedback in return.
4. Active Posts Articles
This section, Try posting at least once every 1-7 days. Posting a lot of interested visitors most regular blog postings, it will make guests feel at home for a visit and linger on our blog.
Ok, until here that I can post to the loyal readers, hopefully article "4 Ways Campaign Blog so popular" can provide inspiration and motivation for visitors and readers. ^ _ ^
Regards Blegedes,
Blogger Blegedes
aduuhh sob... bahasa inggris... tapi dikit ngerti kog... makasih infonya.....
@Zhey Five : he..he..he.. namanya juga pengen bisa bahasa inggris.. mungkin lewat blog ini saya belajarnya... sama2 Kang... :D
mantap masbro tipsnya , ane coba dulu ya , bahasa inggris lewat :D
@Mbah Qopet : Siipp Kang Master... Thanks Comments nya... :D
Nice posting, thanks for the tips.
@Villa bidadari : Thanks... Ok, you're welcome.. ^_^
kudu nyiapin translite dulu ane gan baru bisa ngebacanya.hehee..
nice sharenya gan..:)
sudah terpasang linknya gan.... maaf ni, oot..
thanks yah atas informasinya sob, mantap dah
That's right, u can popular with that way (belajar ngingris).. :D
wah ane ikutan nyimak aja klo gitu gan,biar bisa sdkidit2 inggrisnya.hehee
@Tips dan Triks Blog : yes, it's will i do,, so, this blog can popular with hopefully article... :D
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