1. Go to Feedburner and enter "Url Blog" in the field provided. (no. 1)
2. Check the small box "I am a podcaster" and click Next. (no. 2 and 3)

3. After entry into the next section, the "Feed Title" and "Feed Address" be changed by shortening it, once completed click Next again and will come charging in a new form.
4. Filling in the form is complete and if finished click Next. :D
After a new page, check the little box top and the under (center can be ignored), complete filling. eitc, do not be proud, we are not finished install the widget.
To install the widget, click the menu section "Publicize" and click "Email Subscriptions" and click "Activate". In the "Language" select the language of each blog and the "Use as a widget in" select Blogger, then click the go and if it is out zoom click "Add Widget". completed
Ok, so looking forward to the next article Comrades. Hopefully this article helped you all, especially the still new in the blogosphere. Regards
Regards Blegedes,
Blogger Blegedes
bisa toh via email. ternyata blogging makin mudah aja ya. salam
@rusydi hikmawan : y Kang.. di coba jja langsung... Q jja dah dpet 18 orang.. ^_^
wahhh bikin subscriber dari feedburner ya? keren juga nih kan :) ane coba ah
@Farixsantips : y Kang dari feedburner.. silahkan Kang.. sukses ters y.. :D
wah keren gann
@Free Download Angry Birds Seasons v.15 HD (2011) Full Crack Thanks Kang.. ^_^
Keren Widget nya :)
@allshare zone : Thanks Kang.... silahkan dicoba jika anda ingin membuatnya.. ^_^
terima kasih atas tipsnya gan,, buat nyari pelanggan,, hehehe
@Rama88 : OK Kang... sama-sama... salam kenal... :D