Maybe this way so many have used it, but I will still publish posts again with a newer and more exciting.
1. go to Dhasbor and click Design.
2. select 'Edit HTML' and do not forget to check the little box. (as usual if we Edit Templete): D
3. Find the code ]]></b:skin> and enter the code below right above the code that has been sought.
Click To
4. then locate the code </head> and enter the code below right also above it.
<script src="http://blogger-blegedes-com.googlecode.com/files/tabs-view.js" type="text/javascript"/>
5. click save, wait for it to finish loading.
6. back to "Page Elements" (Click Design) and click "Add a Widget", enter the code below into the box "Text / HTML".
<form action="tabview.html" method="get">
<div class="TabView" id="TabView">
<div class="Tabs" style="width: 300px;">
<a>Title 1</a>
<a>Title 2</a>
<a>Title 3</a>
<div class="Pages" style="width: auto;height: 275px;">
<div class="Page">
<div class="Pad">
Content 1
<div class="Page">
<div class="Pad">
Content 2
<div class="Page">
<div class="Pad">
Content 3
<script type="text/javascript">
NB: Replace width, height to their respective tastes. ^_^
until here I am sharing this post first, may be helpful and useful for all, Greetings.
Regards Blegedes,
Blogger Blegedes
keren multitabnya, makasih infonya dan sekalian follow di networkedblog, salam sukses
@Tutorial Blog : Thansk Kang atas komentarnya dan Follow Networkedblog nya juga... ^_^
wah keren kang trik nyaa. kunjunagn perdana
@Kumpulan Kata-kata : Thanks Kang... salam kenal... ^_^
kerenbgt tabview nya masbro :)
@Dayz : Ok Kang.. thanks y atas kunjungan dan comments nya.. ^_^
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